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More quick hits

– How can this be the website for the Ministry of Youth Affairs? No wonder folks are worried about the “Youth Fund”.

– Afrophone Wikis – a discussion group on developing Wikipedia in African languages (Hat tip Ndesanjo!).

– On (brand) name schools and all in the U.S. I had ambitions of a longer […]

Moving down South

Move has been in the works for a while, and an official announcement is long overdue. I will now be permanently based in Johannesburg, South Africa (getting ready to help y’all spend your 2010 World Cup $$$). Will be traveling back to Kenya frequently though to work on scaling up Mzalendo and other projects.


Quick hits

Kenyan Chick, her guide to Kenya Vol. 1 is hilarious.

2. JSTOR will now be available to African institutions of higher learning for free. This is fantastic news…JSTOR is an awesome resource. Hat tip Timbuktu chronicles.

3. For the programmers, Google Code Jam 2006 is on.

11 acceptable uses of the “f” word

I couldn’t resist posting this. Via Feld Thoughts.

11. “What the @#$% do you mean, we are sinking?” – Capt. E.J. Smith of RMS Titanic, 1912 10. “What the @#$% was that?” – Mayor of Hiroshima, 1945 9. “Where did all those @#$%ing Indians come from?” – Custer, 1877 8. “Any @#$%ing idoit could understand […]


I’m still on my blogging drought (or is it blog-menopause? TM Nick 2006).

Cool link of the week: coCooment, tracks all your comments wherever you leave them online andtracks responses to your comments.

Why donor funded projects often suck. Wouldn’t it have been simpler / more sensible to just have the Ministry of Justice […]

Quick hits

– Computer for all Nigerians Initiative. Sound promising.

– Korogocho (slum in Nairobi area) goes online. Even more interesting (and relevant for residents of Korogocho) is the launch of Koch FM, a community radio station. Wouldn’t it be great if we could get a collabo going between KBW and such initiatives e.g. maybe helping […]

On hospitality in Africa

Digression….so I’ve been on a bit of a blogging slow-go. Combination of work, tinkering with ideas for Mzalendo, and bloggers block/ geek-depression because my Mac crashed while I was trying to do some sql-related stuff and got cute. Hopefully my mojo will be back sooner rather than later.

In the meantime, I came across […]

Go Ghana!

Recently read a quote that urges you to distrust people who use the word impossible or something along those lines. Do I believe that Ghana can komonga Brazil? Absolutely.

Meanwhile, Koranteng has a great post on Ghana vs. the US and only 400 Ghanians will be in the stadium thanks to Schengen visa restrictions. […]