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Quick Hits April 24

– Interesting perspective on Kisumu youth who took part in the riots (if you ignore the author’s tendency for the overdramatic). I really wish more of our Kenyan writers / journalists would make an effort to talk to and write about the often faceless and nameless “violent youth with nothing to lose”.

– And another […]

Quick Hits April 8

– One of the better written pieces on Mobitelea that I have seen. Too bad this issue was handled shoddily by ODM, they had a real opportunity to give this story legs. And I like that there is some finger pointing and Vodafone and the Brits as well – it takes two to tango.


Quick Hits: Mar 18

– Spitzer wants to be more than just a number…hehehe.

– Derrick Ashong in the New York Times.

– The Shikwekwes, an African ‘webcomic’.

– Interesting post by Ethan on transparency and corruption in Brazil. Speaking about public declaration of wealth by civil servants, what the hell is happening in Kenya? Wasn’t there a […]

Google East Africa Gadget Competition

Hat tip AfroM

The competition is open to university students in Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Uganda, Ethiopia, and Burundi.

The deadline for this is March 17th; so if you have some great ideas, you can still submit them for consideration. The categories/types of software gadgets and apps that they are looking for include: (1) Best Gadget […]

Quick Hits: Mar 5

– Bankelele has a great write-up of this years first Skunkworks meeting held at the Google offices in Kenya. For more about Skunkworks, click here. There’s 3 points that resonate with me in Bankelele’s write-up:

1. The fear of sharing content online – or really just sharing information in Kenya. From government, to private […]

Opportunity for theatre artistes in East Africa

Please let us introduce the Sundance Institute Theatre Program, one of America ‘s leading programs supporting new writing for the stage. Based in Sundance, Utah (with offices in Los Angeles, California), as part of the Sundance Institute (www.sundance.org), its mission is to identify and assist emerging theatre artists, to reinvigorate the creative energies of established […]

Quick Hits: Feb 21

Thanks everyone for sharing the 8-4-4 memories, you have me cracking up…and it’s a great reminder of what’s so fabulous about being Kenyan.

– Problems I’d like to have. Oh darling…do we really have to give up the Barcelonas…tehehe. Gosh I miss the self-indulgent aspects of living in the U.S. sometimes. I haven’t done much […]

Mental break: 8-4-4 memories

Apologies for the lack of posts, been dealing with personal stuff (read drama).

So I’ve been thinking it’s time for a little break since the news is slow pending the outcome of the Annan negotiations. There’s all sorts of people complaining about “imposed” solutions,and foreign intervention, and “Kenyan solutions“, but the last time I […]