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Quick Hits – Feb 11

Fundraising event for Kenyans in NY: Kenyans in New York are organising a fundraiser aimed at helping the victims of the violence. We are fundraising specifically for Urgent Action fund which has a rapid response strategy and reaches out to victims of violence. Our focus is that the funds be used for post – exposure […]

My panel session at GK3

I’m in transit in Doha on the way back to Joburg. I haven’t had a chance to blog about my panel (for those who asked), so I’ll instead link to Nancy White from Full Circle who did a great job of liveblogging the session.

I was kicked off the BBC World debate on the […]

Malaysia…truly Asia.

I’m blogging from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I’ll be speaking at the GK3 Conference tomorrow and participating in a BBC World (TV) panel on the One Lap Per Child debate. I was meant to write about this earlier, but in between a terrible flu that was passed on to Gabriella, winding up at work, making sure […]

Quick Hits

Lots of goodies today:

– Mama Mikes keep up the innovation by launching their blog. Already lots of interesting stories about what it takes to make MamaMikes tick.

– Speaking of Mama Mikes, you HAVE to read this post by Mental.

– Hash’s neat Africa Web 2.0 collage has been updated.

– Safaricom […]

Speaking of anniversaries…

Bankelele’s post on the third anniversary of his blog (congrats!) reminded me that I need to make note of Kenyan Pundit’s fourth anniversary.

That’s right, I’ve been at this for FOUR years! I’m surprised I’ve managed to keep at it for this long (well maybe not because I tend to be disciplined about certain […]

Jobs at Witness

For those interested in the intersection between human rights and technology.

AOB: This blogger is hilarious. Too bad he doesn’t write more frequently. Hat tip M!

Quick Hits

– In Switzerland, cleanliness appears to really be next to Godliness.

– I believe. And I believe.

– Interesting post on a perennial question for the faithful – Why does God allow suffering?

– Dude, where’s my Gphone? I wonder whether their commitment to making the platform GLOBAL will really pan out.


Quick Hits

– Hot on the heels on the lack of decent hotels in Nairobi is this piece on Paris Hilton’s trip to Rwanda. Let’s all get together and say a prayer for her to survive Africa.

– PC Magazine’s Top 100 blogs of 2007.

– Bankelele has a great post up on Nairobi town clerk […]