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Sunday Salon Nairobi


Sunday 15th April

With: Clifford Oluoch, Millicent Muthoni, Father Joseph Healey, M.M & Judy Kibinge Kengeles, Lavington Green With live music by “Winyo” NB Binyavanga Wainaina will be among those reading at Sunday Salon New York on the 18th April. Visit www.sundaysalon.com for more details.

Quick Hits

– New model for wireless internet?

– On why telling a black person thatthey are “articulate” is not a compliment.

– 2008 aspirants get their blog on.

– Interesting model for smaller scale VC funding – something like this would be easy to implement in Kenya.

On turning 30…

First, thank you, thank you, thank you, everyone for all the birthday wishes! I had a wonderful day.

Yes, like many of you said, age is just a number but I think 30 is one of those milestone birthdays. Three decades is quite a substantial bit of time to have spent in this world. […]

Happy Birthday to me!

The big 3-0.


Hopefully, I will have something more introspective to write later on.

Five things “meme”

Ethan, I’m only doing this for you. Really.

And I have been dreading it for over a week…I’m sure that folks who’ve tagged me before know that I’m a notorious “tag dodger” (blame Googling). I even thought about appealing but once Ndesanjo folded I knew there was no hope

On to the list: […]

Kenya’s Mobile Revolution

Catch BBC’s webcast on the mobile phone revolution in Kenya (Hat tip Sameer!).

AOB: The Acumen Fund is now accepting applications for fellowships – deadline is Jan 31, 2007. They are a great organization doing interesting work and for those of you MBA-types who are thinking about how to make the leap from corporate America […]


Cape Town (and the long break) was wonderful. Also managed to squeeze in a quick trip to Swaziland and stay on track of my goal to visit at least one new African country every year. Next on track either Mozambique or Namibia.

Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and all the best for […]


Taking a much deserved break for the next few days.

Will be part of the hordes of tourists descending on Cape Town.

The perks of living in Africa…Xmas holidays on the beach and no storos of sijui working until Dec. 23rd