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TED Global 2007 Musings

I really want to jump into this debate, but my thoughts on TED Global are long overdue and blogging time is short in supply. I’ll try and go through my (hopefully not so fuzzy) thoughts on each session using Ethan’s excellent recap.

Session 1

– It’s here! In October 2005, I was privileged to be […]

Travel lag…

TED Global was an absolute whirlwind…so much so that I didn’t blog it (can’t believe that, though Ethan makes the whole exercise pointless doesn’t he?).

In between watching all the amazing speakers, I was busy catching up with real and virtual (not anymore) friends, freaking out about my talk on the last day, and more […]

TED Africa registration now open

You can now click here to register for TED Africa and apply for the 100 scholarships that will be available to attendees from Africa.

TED Global Africa update

The TED Global Africa website is up. Good news is that scholarships will be for 100 participants who can demonstrate that they will be important to Africa’s future. Registration and application for scholarships will be open in September.

Stay tuned…this is sure to be an exciting event.

EDIT: If you had your druthers…who […]

TED Last Day

I fell-off the blogging bandwagon yesterday and this morning…for great round-ups check out Ethan’s blog.

– My favorites from this morning. Sir Ken Robinson and Majora Carter.

– Neat link: The Blair Watch Project (I’d love to see this happen in the 2007 elections).

TED Day 2 – Session 3

1) Speaker: Michael Shermer (publisher of Skeptic magazine – love it!, author, lecturer). – For more background read “Why People Believe Weird Things?” Kind of like the print version of Mythbusters (anyone watch that show…what a day job!). – His presentation was not really blogabble..but pretty neat about how easy it is to fool human […]

TED Day 2 – Session 2

Theme: The World Flattens

1. Speaker One: Roger Mandle – First slide featured Juliet Serem a Kenyan student a RISD – she represented the future ” a citizen of the world” and Tom Friedman’s the world is flat. – Design for the future is about responsible and responsive design. Also design as process, education, art […]

TED Day 1 – Al Gore Speech

– Intro: “I am Al Gore, I used to be the next President of America.” Audience laughs. Gore, “I don’t think that’s funny.” – We are facing a planetary emergency. Collision btwn civilization and resources. There’s an old cliché that the Chinese word for crisis has two characters – one signifying danger and the other […]