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Reconciliation agreements report

The full South Consulting report on the implementation of the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation (KNDR) agreements covering the period May – June 2009 can be found here.

Nairobi Book Fair Sep 23-27

Click here for more details.

For Caroline Mutoko fans

She speaks at MINDSPEAK tomorrow (Saturday August 15th)
Time: 0930 am onwards:
Location: Nairobi WestGate Cinema

Full Mau List

Supposedly full list of Mau beneficiaries who want compensation.


This is just pure thievery!

African Arguments Online

If you haven’t been to African Arguments Online, definitely worth a visit. There’s an interesting series going on right now about post-election violence and justice in Kenya.

About the website:

Africa has long been the locus and the focus for the most impassioned and intellectually-informed debates. But for many years, specialist Africa coverage in the world’s media has been in decline, alongside the withering of many African journals and magazines that used to provide a forum for debate and opinion. African news and views have moved to the web, notably with the spectacular success of www.AllAfrica.com. But there has been no comparable Africa-wide site which provides in-depth analysis and debate of the issues and controversies that animate the continent today. With the launch of African Arguments Online we intend to fill this gap.

Three years ago we launched the book series ‘African Arguments’ with the International African Institute and Zed Books and distributed by Palgrave Macmillan in the USA. Our aim was to bring vigorous debates on the most pressing African issues to a wider audience. With eight books published and two more due shortly the series has quickly become a lively and high-quality imprint.

In launching African Arguments Online, we will bring these issues to a wider audience with the rapidity of a news magazine and the reach of the internet. We have asked a number of leading public intellectuals—writers, scholars, activists—to contribute regular columns.

Documentary on Mungiki now on Youtube

Click here to watch this eye-opening documentary on Mungiki. I had blogged about the documentary a few months ago, I think it was airing on Discovery in the US.

As I keep saying, one of my big concerns is that this scenario is replicating itself all over Kenya.

CDF Review Task Force Meetings

Public meetings being held in Nairobi tomorrow, see here for details.

Kenya on the Brink Conference Video

In case you needed confirmation that Kenys is in the hands of a bunch of jokers (to put it mildly). Conference video is up here.

Hat tip @nairobinotes.